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Protecting platypus on your property

Writer's picture: Save EungellaSave Eungella

Updated: May 8, 2023

There is legislation to help landowners protect platypus on their property.


In Queensland, the following legislation exists to protect platypus

Nature Conservation Act 1992

The Act provides protection for all native wildlife species in Queensland, including the platypus. It is illegal to harm or kill a platypus or disturb its habitat without a permit.

Environmental Protection Act 1994

The Act requires environmental authorities to protect, conserve and enhance Queensland's environment, which includes the habitats of the platypus.

Queensland Water Act 2000

The Act provides for the sustainable management and use of Queensland's water resources, including the protection of the habitat of the platypus.

Queensland Nature Refuges Act 1994

The Act provides for the establishment and management of nature refuges, which can be used to protect the habitats of the platypus and other wildlife.

Queensland Biodiversity Conservation Regulation 2018

The regulation provides guidelines for the management and conservation of Queensland's biodiversity, including the platypus.

What does this mean?

It means Queensland Hydro (or whoever will be doing the site tests) will be hit with heavy penalties including imprisonment for not complying with this legislation, even if conducted on behalf of a government-affiliated body.

Platypus are sensitive creatures

It is known that platypus burrows can extend in and away from the water, up to a distance of 20 metres, Platypus also have very specialised and sensitive bills covered in tens of thousands of sensory pores and nerve endings which means they can’t survive even mild concussion.

What you should do

Initially, you should only allow a suitably credentialed environmental investigator access to your property before any drilling activities or site tests commence on your property. It is important that platypus habitat is identified to ensure drilling won’t occur within close proximity to those areas.

The loophole that you should be aware of

Under the Queensland Nature Conservation Act 1992, permits can be issued for activities that would otherwise be prohibited, such as harming, killing or taking a platypus from the wild. Permits are granted only if the activity is deemed to be in the public interest, which is the angle Queensland Hydro is taking. This means that we need to fight for the platypus and give them a voice.


Nature Conservation Act 1992

Environmental Protection Act 1994

Queensland Water Act 2000

Queensland Nature Refuges Act 1994

Queensland Biodiversity Conservation Regulation 2018

Platypus Recovery Plan - Brisbane

Scientists urge more protection for platypus in Australian state

Conserving Platypus

Platypus - The Australian Museum

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